Blog Belantara

Belantara Foundation is opening the window of acceptance for Grant Activities Proposals

Call For Proposals

As a grant channeling institution Belantara Foundation is opening opportunities for institutions with conservation focused initiatives in the 10 grant areas of Belantara Foundation to submit grant funding proposals. The distribution of this grant fund is a form of full support from Belantara Foundation to conserve the environment with the vision and mission of Belantara Foundation.

Focus initiatives

  • Efforts to protect and mitigate forests and peatlands from forests and land fires including encroachment, the protection of endangered wildlife (especially key animals such as the Sumatran tiger, Sumatran elephant, Sumatran and Kalimantan orangutans);
  • Community-based forest restoration efforts;
  • Efforts in empowering communities and improve living standards;
  • Community capacity building efforts and environmental conservation education;
  • Law enforcement efforts related to conservation initiatives.

Grant Areas

The programs submitted through the proposals is expected to focus on the 10 grant areas detailed in the following list:

  • Riau Province: Senepis, Kerumutan, Bukit Tigapuluh, Giam Siak Kecil Bukit Batu, Kampar Peninsula.
  • Jambi Province: Bukit Tigapuluh, Berbak.
  • South Sumatra Province: Sembilang, Dangku Meranti, Padang Sugihan.
  • West Kalimantan Province: Kubu.
  • East Kalimantan Province: Kutai.

Proposal Submission Period

27 March – 13 April 2018.

Contact Information

  1. Riau Province Conservation Coordinator: Aiden Yusti (0812-7602744)
  2. Jambi Province Conservation Coordinator: Muchtalufti (0823-24139666)
  3. South Sumatra Province Conservation Coordinator: Ifran Imanda (0811-7110095)
  4. West Kalimantan Province Conservation Coordinator: Muhammad Lutharif (0813-45610335)
  5. East Kalimantan Province Conservation Coordinator: Deni Wahyudi (0822-54180892)

For information regarding Belantara Foundation's Proposal Templates, Proposal Guidelines, Proposal Budget Formats for the Grant Proposal, please see

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